Désirée Hotel 4 stars Elba island

Privacy Policy

This information is provided in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)(Personal Data Protection Code) to users accessing the website https://www.desireehotel.it/ and relates to all personal data processed in the manner set out below.

The Data Controller is Sogear srl owner of HOTEL DESIREE with head office in Loc. Spartaia - 57030 Procchio - Marciana Tel. +39 0565 907311 Email: info@desireehotel.it

The personal data processed are collected as supplied directly by the data subject or supplied automatically. Data provided directly by the data subject are all personal data that are provided to the Data Controller in any way, directly by the data subject. In particular, the following personal data are collected and processed - E-mail - Arrival date Departure date - No. adults - No. children - No. rooms The data collected automatically are navigation data. Although this data is not collected in order to be associated with the identity of the user, it may indirectly, through processing and association with data collected by the Data Controller, allow the user to be identified. In particular: - IP address - browser and browsing device Following the sending of newsletters, the platform used allows the detection of the opening of a message and the clicks made within the newsletter itself, together with details relating to the ip and browser/device used . The collection of this data is essential for the operation of the implicit renewal systems of the processing (see the item Method of Processing) and an integral part of the operation of the sending platform.

Data are processed exclusively for the purposes for which they are collected, as described below. We use the data provided by the data subjects for: - reservation service, quote request - only in case of specific consent of the user, to allow the adhesion to specific and further services such as the sending of future informative and promotional communications by email or by electronic means. The provision of the data listed in the ‘Collected Data’ section is mandatory in order to allow the user to access the service. For this reason, consent is compulsory and any refusal to process or the failure, inaccuracy or partial provision of data may result in the impossibility of providing the service correctly. The provision of data for the purpose of sending newsletters for promotional, informative or research purposes is optional and refusal to consent to its processing will result in the impossibility to be updated on commercial initiatives and/or promotional campaigns, to receive offers or other promotional material and/or to send the user personalised offers. Hotel Desiree does not provide third parties with any of the users' information without their consent, except where required by law. The dissemination and transfer of data outside the EU space is in any case excluded.

The data subject may withdraw his or her consent to receive promotional and commercial communications immediately by sending a request to info@desireehotel.it info@desireehotel.it or by clicking on the unsubscribe link that can be found in the footer of each promotional and commercial email received.

Personal data are processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, providing in any case for the annual verification of the stored data in order to delete those considered obsolete, unless the law provides for archiving obligations. Data processing is usually carried out at the headquarters of the company Hotel Desiree, by staff or external collaborators duly appointed as data processors. The complete list of data processors and persons in charge of processing personal data can be requested by sending a specific request to the email address info@desireehotel.it. Registration and related processing are considered valid until the user unsubscribes, which can be found in every email, or after 12 months from the last communication of which there is evidence of direct interaction (click, opening, reply). Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use and unauthorised access.

Pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code and art. 13 GDPR, each user has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of his/her personal data, even if not yet registered, and its communication in intelligible form. In particular, the data subject has the right to obtain from Hotel Desiree an indication of: 1. the origin of the personal data; 2. the purposes and methods of processing; 3. the logic applied in the event of processing carried out with the aid of electronic/informatic instruments; 4. the identification details of the data controller, data processors and the designated representative; 5. the subjects and categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of it in their capacity as designated representative in the territory of the State, data processors or persons in charge of processing. Furthermore, the data subject has the right to obtain from Hotel Desiree 1. the updating, rectification or integration of his/her data; 2. the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in breach of the law; 3. access to his/her data, i.e. confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him/her are being processed; 4. the restriction of the processing, 5. the portability of the data, i.e. the right to receive the personal data concerning him/her in a structured format; 6. the right to lodge a complaint with the Control Authority.Finally, the data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection. In particular, the data subject has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him/her for the purpose of sending commercial advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication. Requests referred to in the above points should be sent by email to the address info@desireehotel.it

Hotel Desiree reserves the right to modify, integrate or periodically update this Privacy Policy in compliance with the applicable legislation or with the provisions adopted by the Italian Data Protection Authority.The aforementioned modifications or additions will be brought to the attention of the interested parties by means of a link to the Privacy Policy page on the website and will be communicated directly to the interested parties by email. We invite users to review the Privacy Policy on a regular basis, in order to check the updated Privacy Policy and decide whether or not to continue using the services offered. The fundamental points to be borne in mind, both when drafting the document and in ongoing operations, are - The list of data collected during the subscription phase - The notification of the automatic data collection process following the sending of a newsletter - The specification of the duration of processing - The description of any automatic profiling processes Duration of processing Subscription and related processing are considered valid until the user unsubscribes, which is present in every email, or after 12 months from the last communication of which there is evidence of direct interaction (click, opening, reply).


Sogear s.r.l.

Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
Company Register Office Livorno
Registration number 00158410498
Company capital Euro 416,000.00


The company declares that it has received aid from public administrations that must be published in the ‘National Register of State Aid’. Any information concerning the same may be found by accessing the transparency section of the ‘National Register of State Aid’, by connecting to the following web page: www.rna.gov.it.

Vivi le esperienze all'Isola d'Elba con Hotel Désirée

Scegli tra la vasta gamma di attività offerte dall’Hotel ed esplora i luoghi, le tradizioni, la storia e cultura e la natura colma di biodiversità d’Elba e dell’Arcipelago Toscano.
Plasma la tua vacanza secondo le tue esigenze.

    Leggi la PRIVACY POLICY.


    L’azienda dichiara di aver percepito aiuti da parte di pubbliche amministrazioni oggetto di obbligo di pubblicazione nell’ambito del “Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato”. Ogni notizia inerente agli stessi potrà essere reperita accedendo alla sezione trasparenza del “Registro Nazionale Aiuti di Stato”, collegandosi alla seguente pagina web: www.rna.gov.it.


    Sogear s.r.l.

    Loc. Spartaia – 57030 Procchio – Marciana – Isola d’Elba (LI)
    Tel. +39 0565 907311 Fax +39 0565 907884
    Ufficio del registro Imprese di Livorno
    Numero di iscrizione 00158410498
    Capitale societario Euro 416.000,00